Good Hooks Make All the Difference
It's a funny thing, as anglers we spend so much money on rods, reels, waders, trips, rod vaults and more but relatively little on hooks. Hooks are more important than almost anything else in fishing. Hooks and our leader are really what determine if we catch a fish or not. If our hooks are dull, weak or damaged they won't penetrate the fish's mouth, will bend out during the fight or fail in some way. Ultimately the result is not catching fish.
There are a few easy ways to check the sharpness of a hook. Look for rust or obvious damage. Press the point into you fingernail and see if it will hold in place while trying to move it across your nail. If it slides, the hook is dull! Dull or damaged hooks should not be used, period.
Check out this video to learn more about hooks and what a difference they can make. They are the very foundation of catching fish.